Interested in the MIAP workshop at University of Freiburg? All about applications and solutions for Big Data in Life Science.…
Cover Poster elife July 30 2016
What a nice surprise! One of my images was picked by eLIFE as an online cover image.
New Paper in Current Biology: Reduced Lateral Inhibition Impairs Olfactory Computations and Behaviors in a Drosophila Model of Fragile X Syndrome
In a collaboration with Luis M. Franco and Emre Yaksi we have shown that a Drosophila model of fragile X have impaired…
Farewell Leuven – Move to Berlin into the Hassan/Hiesinger Einstein group @FU Berlin
The time has come the moving boxes are almost packed and it is time to leave Leuven and the journey…
Berlin visit to the Hiesinger lab and Bassem Hassan’s Einstein group
My transferal into the Einstein group from Bassem Hassan in the Hiesinger lab at FU Berlin is taking shape. I…
German Drosophila Meeting 2016, 8-9 September 2016, University of Cologne
Slowly getting ready for the German Drosophila Meeting 2016 in Cologne. It should surely be fun! Lots of interesting talks…

Lab retreat Miguel-Aliaga Lab Whitestable
In August my family and me went back to the UK to visit Irene, Paola and the entire Miguel-Aliaga lab…
New Paper in PLoS ONE: The Cell Adhesion Molecules Roughest, Hibris, Kin of Irre and Sticks and Stones Are Required for Long Range Spacing of the Drosophila Wing Disc Sensory Sensilla
After several years of waiting, my diploma thesis work in Karl-Friedrich Fischbachs laboratory, University of Freiburg has finally gotten published…
New Paper in Cell: Neuronal Control of Metabolism through Nutrient-Dependent Modulation of Tracheal Branching
It finally happend on January 16th 2014! The key experiments from my PhD at the Department of Zoology, University of…